Working From Home: Tips to Stay Hydrated
It’s easy to get involved in a project and let hydration slide but working in the living room hasn’t changed your body’s need for water. Get these working from home tips to stay hydrated.
What to Drink When You're Sick
We’ve heard the saying for generations. When you’re sick, drink plenty of fluids! So what should you drink when you're sick?
Speed Up Your Recovery With Water
After surgery, you’ll need more water than usual. So when it’s time to go home after surgery or hospitalization, make sure you are getting the water your body needs to heal.
Ask The Expert: What Color Should Your Pee Be?
What is your pee telling you? Your pee is not holding back; what it looks like is revealing your body’s secrets. So, what color should your pee be?
To our loyal and valued customers, friends and fans: As your partner in healthy habits, we want to sincerely thank you for your patronage and support of HidrateSpark: The World’s Smartest Water Bot...
Ask the Expert: How Long Does it Take to Absorb Water?
You started the morning off right with 20 ounces of water. So, how long does it take for your body to absorb water? We asked our expert.