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4 Ways to Jumpstart Your Heart-Healthy Lifestyle During American Heart Month

4 Ways to Jumpstart Your Heart-Healthy Lifestyle During American Heart Month

If you haven’t been as healthy as you would like, let American Heart Month help you to jumpstart a heart-healthy lifestyle. Learn more about these CDC recommended tips and more. 

What is the Secret to Healthy Glowing Skin?

What is the Secret to Healthy Glowing Skin?

Most of us have a love-hate relationship with our skin. Some days it's glowing. Other days not so much. Get the secret to healthy glowing skin every day.

woman drinking water from a glass

Top Ten Reasons Water Is Your Ultimate Health Drink

Why do we need water? Our bodies are more than 60% water; so your heart, cells, muscles, bones, and blood depend on it. Get 10 of the top reasons why water is important for our health and bodies.

Is Hard Seltzer Hydrating?

Is Hard Seltzer Hydrating?

It seems like everywhere you go, someone has a hard seltzer in their hand. Even though they may appear as the better choice, are hard seltzers hydrating?

women walking dog outside in a forest of snow

3 Tips: How to Spend More Time Outside

Who hasn’t gotten lectured by a parent or grandparent bemoaning your behavior?  “No one goes outside anymore, it’s those darn phones, everyone is addicted to social media…” It can be frustrating to...

The secret to great skin revealed

The secret to great skin revealed

Hydration is the secret to great skin. The more water you drink, the more your skin benefits.